I woke up Saturday feeling sore and lethargic and thought, “Well, I am getting older...they did warn me about this. Maybe I overdid it when removing the ice and snow from my front door and part of the driveway?”
It’s not like I’ve never been tired before.
However, once I checked my temperature at 102 degrees, I realized I wasn’t just sore. My heart sank. I was excited about preaching the next day, and it’s not easy getting someone else to step in to preach at the last minute.
On Monday I was still pretty sick and decided to visit the doctor (technically a Physician’s Assistant). I found out that my body was fighting Influenza A, my heart was fighting disappointment from being out of commission and unproductive, and my mind was fighting all the missed work and rearranging of the week.
Being unable to work or even help my family with normal chores has been discouraging to say the least. Being under the weather is like being trapped under a rock. I’m sick of it...
However, this has provided moments of clarity.
For one, I am blessed with an exceptional wife. Courtney took care of me and everybody else in the house for multiple days and was nice about it. Never complained.
Second, our church is blessed with a multitude of godly leaders. Our elders and pastors came together and nothing was missed (except for me, hopefully). Wasn’t Pastor Dave’s message exactly what we needed to hear? He did a great job preaching on the lost parables of Luke 15.
I also realized again that it’s not a sin for me to be “unproductive.” I’m a strong advocate for resting in the Lord, but it didn’t translate to when I am sick for some reason.
I still have a fever today (Tuesday), but I am definitely feeling better than I did previously. Lord willing, I plan to be with you this weekend. My “at home nurse” told me I must be fever free without the aid of meds for at least 24 hours before I can be around other humans again. So, if you could add that to your prayers,I would greatly appreciate i
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Jack