Why Sabbatical?

This summer has been planned for multiple years. I italicize “planned” because I had direction, but no details. Our church and denomination encourage a Sabbatical for our pastors once every 7 years, and I am completing my 7th year in May. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long!

If the concept is new for you, a Sabbatical is an extended leave from ordinary work for rest, renewal, and uninterrupted focus. They are usually several weeks long, and many leaders swear by them.

I have a book on my shelf entitled “Leading On Empty” by a well-known and respected pastor in the Northwest named Wayne Cordeiro. His story is a testament to the need for rest and renewal.

Sabbaticals are more than a reward for years of service. They are an investment for healthy years of service to come. At Grace sabbaticals are one part of an overall ministry health plan designed to keep our pastors healthy.

Other than rest and renewal, I plan to spend time reading and writing on the topic of discipleship within a church context. If anybody’s interested, below is a list of the books I have lined up. I cannot vouch for them yet, but I was particular in researching reputable books.

  • Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer

  • Intentional Disciplemaking: Cultivating Spiritual Maturity in the Local Church by Ron Bennett

  • Down to Earth Discipling: Essential Principles to Guide Your Personal Ministry by Scott Morton

  • The Multiplication Effect: Building a Leadership Pipeline that Solves Your Leadership Shortage by Mac Lake

  • Hero Maker: Five Essential Practices for Leaders to Multiply Leaders by Dave Ferguson and Warren Bird

  • Designed to Lead: The Church and Leadership Development by Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck

  • No Silver Bullets: 5 Small Shifts that will Transform Your Ministry by Daniel Im

  • Saturate: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life by Jeff Vanderstelt

Of course, I plan to spend a lot of quality time with Courtney and the kids. I would be understating if I said everybody’s looking forward to our time together.

If and when I come to mind, pray that I can make meaningful connections with God and the family. I am blessed to be one of your pastors, and I thank God for you constantly.

With love and gratitude,

Pastor Jack