Upcoming events


Every student should experience camp—it’s a must! Camp is an exciting adventure that breaks away from the everyday routine and dives into a life-changing environment centered on building a deeper relationship with Christ. During this unforgettable week, we’ll serve local communities around Fort Worth and take part in meaningful ministry. It’s the best week of the year to strengthen friendships, make new ones, and grow closer to Christ in ways you never imagined!

It is $414 per person. Fundraising opportunities and scholarships are available.

transform Student Ministry Schedule (7th-12th Grade)

Transform meets during the school year:

  • SUNDAY MORNING: 9:00am

    7th - 12th grade begin in the Activity Center

    • 7th and 8th grade in A-Wing

    • High School 9-12th in The Deck Room

  • WEDNESDAY: 6:30-8:00pm

    • 7th-12th grade in the The Garage

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Join our text line by scanning one of the QR codes above or by texting “transform” or “transformparent” to 316-445-9591.

Vision Statement

At Transform we want to be a place where youth find acceptance and value while developing and growing in a relationship with God and others.

Mission Statement

Transform believes that all youth are valued and Loved by God. Our mission is to make an impact on the local youth culture by encouraging and teaching them to pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ. Transform strives to equip and spur youth to share their faith and impact the lives of those around them.


In order to provide a safe environment for children and youth who participate in our ministries we require that all youth and adults who serve in GraceKids or Transform Student Ministries complete an annual volunteer application. A background check will be conducted every four years on anyone 18 years of age or older. If you've been asked to complete a reference form for a potential Transform volunteer, please click here.


Here’s a great article that helps walk you through how to write your testimony.