The five of us guys on staff at Grace, Jack, Kyle, Sean, Bryant, and myself recently attended an Orientation at our fellowship's headquarters in Fort Wayne Indiana. Grace is part of the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches, or the FEC, and in the last 5-10 years they developed this Orientation to familiarize new ministry workers with the heart of the FEC. We also took the new pastor at our Hillsboro sister church AJ.
I have been part of the FEC since 2017 because the Christian camp I worked at in Michigan was part of the FEC. Some of the other guys have been part of the FEC for a while too. So needless to say, we cleaned house in some trivia games…LOL… The point wasn’t getting free t-shirts though it was to make connections with other ministry workers for collaboration and networking in the future. We also got to hear from our fellowship president and leaders and we got reminded of what our little group of churches really cares about. It was a joyful reset for me to remember the wonderful strengths of our organization.
The mission statement of the FEC is:
We exist to help our local churches obey the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) by establishing reproducing churches worldwide.
You can read more about this here:
This highlights 2 of the FEC’s greatest initiatives. Ours is a church planting fellowship. The goal of our FEC churches existing is to produce more churches. At a local level, all of your pastors and the pastors from the other FEC churches in KS meet to work on church planting. Our group is called Synergy KS and we meet monthly to work on things like planting a church in El Dorado. But the FEC doesn’t just major on growth. The goal is to establish healthy churches and to establish healthy churches they need to be planted out of established healthy churches.
That leads to the other aspect of the FEC mission that is so key. If churches are obeying the Great Commandment, the Great Commission and are healthy then they are the kind of church that can reproduce other healthy churches that can reproduce themselves. That is why the FEC puts a high value on supporting staff in local churches to be healthy themselves. From pushing things like sabbaticals to offering events for people in ministry to practice caring for their own souls the FEC is intentional about keeping pastors and staff in churches healthy. This is such a good emphasis that the FEC has. The statistics of people leaving the ministry is staggering and the FEC takes an active role in working to keep our churches healthy. As a ministry worker, you can call the FEC office and get advice, counsel, or help personally or professionally. The people who work at FEC headquarters work so hard, not to push their own agendas, but to be a support team for people on the front lines of ministry in any FEC church. They don’t just say that they care, they show it at every opportunity.
There is so much more I could say about the FEC but one thing is very special to me. I did not have a direct path into full-time ministry. I was a bi-vocational youth pastor for years, got into full-time ministry, and then had to step back out due to my wife's health being critical. There are so many guys and gals in the FEC like me, so many that have come from blue-collar jobs or had to take time out from ministry due to life happening. This dynamic builds a special flavor into our FEC gatherings and the fabric of our culture. There are plenty of people with awesome degrees but even those people have a humility that they carry with them. We are a group of pastors, staff, and leaders who have worked other jobs, ministry often isn’t our only option but it is people's passion. They know that the local church is God’s plan for His kingdom advancing and that God has no plan B after that. A lot of people in the FEC know what it's like to have bad bosses or a bad work/life balance in the private sector so they have joy in their ministry and also empathy for the people in their churches going through similar situations. All in all, God has truly blessed us to be a part of the FEC and I would encourage any of you to learn more about who our other churches are in KS and what the FEC is all about. It is an encouraging story of what God has done and is doing right now!
-Pastor Will