He's Been with Jesus

   The other week I was out to eat with some brothers and a man stopped by our table to tell us about Jesus.  This guy wasn’t dressed up like a preacher, or a white-collar businessman.  Nothing about his presence said that he was a distinguished person or well-educated man that everyone should listen to, but immediately you could tell that this guy had been with Jesus.  He was bold, and his presence was full of joy and gentleness and love.  He radiated Jesus with every word spoken, and we were greatly encouraged by his boldness to share Jesus with us!

            I love what the Scripture says about Peter and John in Acts 4:13, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.”  No matter how impressive or unimpressive we may think we are, when we spend time with Jesus through prayer and the Scriptures, people can see it.  When we spend time enjoying Jesus, it comes out in the way we interact with the world.

            Can people recognize that we are spending time with Jesus?  Would someone say that about you?  Of course, if we are not spending regular time with Him, that won’t be said of us.  When we spend more time with Him, our boldness to share Him with others will increase, we will find ourselves loving the people around us in a more powerful way.  It doesn’t matter how ordinary we might be, if we spend time with Jesus, really enjoying him, then people will know that there is something different about us.

            I’m praying that we will spend time daily enjoying Jesus, and it will be said of us that we have “been with Jesus”!


See you Sunday!

Pastor Kyle

Kyle’s Rightnow Media pick of the month: click Faith Foundations with David Platt