Beyond Summer Quest

This past Sunday night our Summer Quest team got together for food, fellowship, and for prayer to seek God together in how we should continue ministering at Lincoln Park.  Summer Quest was a great event, but all of us knew we needed to continue to minister in that area.  God gave us a lot of favor and brought a lot of kids and parents out to Summer Quest, and we saw several of them at Summer Fest!  God appears to be opening up a door for us to minister there more consistently.  Our hearts break for some of the kids there.  They are all so hungry for interaction and love. 

Through our time of prayer and fellowship we decided to have each family take a week to pray in the area.  Mary and I have taken this week.  We went up Monday evening and prayed and spent some time playing with one of the kids who came to SQ.  We went back up on Wednesday night with some of our team and did a little more praying and playing with some kids.  We also decided as a team that we would commit to having someone at the park every Wednesday night and we’ve communicated with the kids that they can expect us at the park on Wednesday evenings.  Some of our team members feel called to go door to door in the area and pray with people and help them with projects.  A couple of our team members are committing to discipling people in the neighborhood. 

Our desire is to be the Church in the Lincoln Park area.  We are praying that the gospel would take hold and transform lives, transform families, and spread revival through our city.  We are dreaming big and trying to be obedient.  It will take a lot of sacrifice, but our hearts are drawn towards the neighborhood and motivated by Christ’s love. 

Would you join us in praying for the Lincoln Park neighborhood?  And if you were a part of a SQ, would you ask God how he might be calling you to continue to minister in the neighborhood?  Grace, let’s be the church!  Let’s love sacrificially and pray big prays together for Newton and the surrounding communities! 

Here’s my Rightnow Media pick of the month.  This is a great video series addressing our changing culture and showing us how we can trust God’s word and engage our culture with His truth! 

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kyle