The Good Kind of Tired

I'll be honest. I'm tired. Like this kind of tired:

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . . .

I'm sure I'm not the only one. After a very successful week of Summer Quest, punctuated by Summer Fest, I'm sure many of you are also feeling tired too. Hopefully you've had some time to rest.

But this is "the good kind of tired". The tired that comes on the heels of expending yourself for the sake of the gospel. Thank you, Summer Quest team members, for making time in your already busy schedules to spread God's love and good news to our community! Nearly 250 young minds and hearts were touched by your efforts.

Thanks also for jumping in on Sunday and helping create a fun, inviting, celebratory experience for over 500 people! We welcomed many new faces, and heard from families who visited that they loved their experience over the week, were blessed by Sunday morning, and want to return. Yay!

So let any fatigue that may be lingering be a reminder of the good work God has done (and will continue to do) through your sacrifice of time and effort. You offered yourselves unreservedly for God's use, and it was SO worth it!

I think you epitomized Romans 12:1:

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."

May God bless you richly and renew your strength and energy so that you may continue to be about his work.

See you Sunday!
Juli Dirks