Passion Thursday Service | Thursday March 28th, 6:30PM
Over two thousand years ago Jesus experienced the most difficult day of his life. He sat with the disciples, ate with them, and washed their feet for the last time just hours before his betrayal and crucifixion. How did Jesus respond? Why is that so important to our lives today? Join us as we reflect and meditate on key moments during the hours leading up to the cross and resurrection!
Easter Sunrise Service | Sunday March 31st, 7AM
As the sun rises Easter morning let’s praise the Son of God who has risen from the dead and has saved us from our sins! Meet us on the Lawn behind the church for our Easter Sunrise Service! Bring a lawn chair for an abbreviated but meaningful gathering time with free breakfast and fellowship to follow!
Easter Services | Sunday March 31st, 9 & 10:45AM
He is not here, for He is risen! The greatest day in history was the day Jesus Christ rose from the grave, defeating sin and death, giving us the ability to receive salvation! Join us during one of our two services at 9 & 10:45am as we celebrate the life, death and resurrection, of Jesus Christ on Easter.