“The God of angel armies is always by my side…”
What a joy it was to hear our GraceKids singing with their whole heart during the Christmas program this past week. This program is such an important piece of our advent season, providing a sweet testament to the work God is doing in our youngest churchgoers.
This Sunday caps off a successful fall for GraceKids in Sunday school and this Wednesday, December 18, is the last night for our Awana clubs. It takes many dedicated volunteers to help things run smoothly. Our volunteers spend hours preparing, teaching, and leading our children and I am so grateful for the time each one invests in this important Kingdom work.
If you are the parent or grandparent of a GraceKid, would you let their teachers know how much you appreciate them?
Our goal in GraceKids is to raise up children to love God, love people, and lead others to do the same. I want to share with you some of the other ways that we are working towards that goal.
Kid’s worship team – This team consists of 4th- 6th graders that lead our younger children during Sunday school in music and motion that is engaging and meaningful. The kids on the worship team commit extra time to learning and practicing music and learning how to lead worship.
Kid’s worship with the congregation – Each month we have kids from 3 years old through 6th grade join us in the worship center to participate in corporate worship through song. We are joyfully committed to intergenerational worship that spans the ages and hope that you are blessed by the kids on these mornings.
Route 56 – Kids in Route 56 have the opportunity to gain leadership skills and put faith into action by exploring service opportunities throughout the church. They work under the direction of a variety of servant leaders in our church. You may see them in their Route 56 t-shirts each Sunday serving coffee, ushering, greeting, or running tech equipment.
Coming soon, there will be an opportunity for our 7th and 8th graders to join in a leadership program like Route 56 called I-78. Would you join us in praying that God will raise up volunteers to help these leaders grow?
5/6 Fellowship – New this year, this is intentional time to help our 5th and 6th graders develop Godly friendships through devotionals and fun, team-building activities.
It has been exciting to see our youngest kids stepping into leadership roles and discovering their God-given gifts.
Please join us in praying that all of our GraceKids will learn who they are in Christ as they grow and then boldly share their faith throughout their lives.
Join us this next Sunday for the 3rd week of Advent as Pastor Steve helps us explore the mystery of the Incarnation.
-Casey Teater