Does anybody remember crazy hair day in school? Was that even a thing before my generation? All through elementary and middle school, I looked forward to this infamous day when I had the opportunity to come to school with a gallon of hair gel, sculpting my hair into crazy formations, not to mention spraying blue, red, and green washable colors into my hair. I thought it was the coolest thing anyone could ever do. It was quite possibly the best day of the year other than field day! Evidence of this belief I held can be found on my Facebook. If you’re curious, my earliest profile picture displays my 6th grade crazy hair day to the fullest. (See picture below)
This was a moment in time for me. A moment, that at the time, I was extremely proud of. Looking back, I can now laugh at my strange enthusiasm and thank the Lord for the wisdom and maturity that he has given me. Now, I am still strange and have some crazy ideas, but I am definitely… Maybe… possibly a little farther down the road, a little more mature, and a little better off because of it.
I shared this image with a group of leaders recently to make the point that it is sometimes good for us to look back at where we used to be, in hopes that we would see just how far we have come.
The same can be done in our spiritual life, and I think should be done as often as we can. Stopping and pondering what God has brought us through, or given us a mature perspective on, can point us to thankfulness for His faithfulness. I know when I think of my story and what God has done in my life, I’m immediately drawn to praise because I recognize how unworthy I am, but how merciful, generous, and giving our God is.
Even in seasons of difficulty the Psalmist Asaph says this in Psalms 77:11-15
“I will remember the Lord’s works; yes, I will remember your ancient wonders. I will reflect on all you have done and meditate on your actions. God, your way is holy. What god is great like God? You are the God who works wonders; you revealed your strength among the peoples. With power you redeemed your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph. Selah”
Remembrance can lead to thankfulness, faithfulness, a strengthening of faith, and much, much more. Take some time to remember today what the Lord has done in the past and trust that He will continue to be faithful in the future!
Peace and blessings Grace family,
Bryant Hart