Our Sensational Creator

Why are we sometimes set in our ways? Why does it take a miracle for some of us to believe that God exists?

God shows Himself in so many ways. I am constantly amazed at God’s creation.  God can do anything. There is so much around us even in small town Kansas that blows my mind. Right now in spring, the intricacy of flowers and how things grow is astonishing!  If you open up your sights further to the whole world God made…WOW!  He is amazing!  There is so much beyond our earth as well that points to the hand of our creator.

There are things in creation that even go beyond the ordinary. Did you know that there is a type of fish in Florida that can crawl on the ground?  They are called walking catfish.  Have you ever seen it rain fish?  In various parts of the world there are waterspouts over large bodies of water, like tornadoes on land, that suck up fish into the sky and cause them to fall up to 100 feet inland.


I wonder if God makes remarkable awe-inspiring things to constantly show us that He is real and close and loves us?   I don’t think He needs to prove that He is mighty, but some people seem blind or hard-hearted.  Do you guys ever wonder why the Israelites kept falling away from God when they were wandering in the wilderness?  How could they do that when they had seen so many things that physically showed God?  I also wonder how I would have reacted if I had been around when Jesus walked the earth.  It bothers me that it took many miracles and healings for some people to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. But then I look around today and wonder the same thing.  

I am glad to know you, my church family.  I am glad that we humbly believe that our God is all powerful, sovereign, omnipresent, stunning, and loving.

I am looking forward to our next “Proof” class with the kids this summer.  Last year we looked at archaeological finds that prove God and His Word.  This year we are going to be searching for tangible things in creation that prove God and show His majesty. For today, let me share with you some unusual animals that will just put you in awe of our Maker. (These blow my mind!)

(Blobfish, Venezuelan poodle moth, Dumbo Octopus, Glass Frog, Sea pig, Narwhal, Goblin Shark, Yeti crab)

It is sometimes hard to believe that a God who makes such amazing things came to earth to save us and wants to have a personal relationship with us.  That blows me away more than creation itself!  Looking around me at the world, I am always encouraged to thank God for keeping us amazed and for showing us His love.

Have a great week enjoying His creation!

Amy Thompson