Only one thing missing…

I am writing this article in a Best Western in Buda, TX. There are 13 of us who are now (02/26) on our way to the Children’s Haven International home in Reynosa, Mexico, where we are participating in GCC’s 23rd Annual Amigo Trip in support of the ministry.

The following are some reflections about why I keep going on this trip and to an extent, why YOU should consider participating soon as well.

  1. We are aiding a very productive, Christ-centered ministry that is (by God’s grace) rescuing many Mexican children from horrible living conditions, and teaching them to be productive citizens of Mexico. This is accomplished by providing a safe living environment, educational opportunities, and more importantly, leading many of them to faith in Jesus and modeling what a Christian home looks like.

  2. This trip becomes a wonderful opportunity to spend time with old friends, become better friends, and make new friends with other like minded believers from Grace Community Church and our sister Churches in Kansas.

  3. This is a very family friendly trip and for many of us has become an effective way of introducing our kids to missions in another culture. We have traveled with children as young as six months old and are known here as “the church that brings their kids.” A common quote from our children who return from their first trip is, “I never knew I had it so good.”

  4. Yes, we do accomplish many needed tasks ranging from construction to sorting clothes. But the longer I do this (and the older I get) I believe more and more that what is more important are the relationships we develop and the encouragement we bring, not only to the children, but also to the leaders and staff members who are constantly in challenging situations. Sometimes people are hesitant to go because they aren’t sure how much they would be able to contribute to the “projects,” and I tell them that this is not even the most important part of the trip, and you CAN build relationships.

  5. There are obviously many other reasons why Grace keeps organizing this trip, but my last thought is one that we all know, but often forget—when we give of ourselves to bless others, the one who receives the most blessing is usually us.

When I get home people will ask me, “How was your trip?” And I will tell them, “This was the best trip ever, and the only thing missing was you.”

- Paul Friesen (2/26/23)