Firm Foundation

A few weeks ago, Pastor Jack finished preaching through the sermon on the mount, which concludes with a parable comparing a wise man who built his house on a rock, and a foolish man who built his house on sand.  Jesus said, “everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock”.  When we listen to Jesus and live according to His word, we can face the storms of life and stand strong, knowing that He is our firm foundation!  Though everything else around us might be falling apart, we can remain unshaken.  In chaos we can have peace, because God is faithful.  This doesn’t mean that God will keep the storms from coming our way, but that He will carry us through the storms of life. We can’t, after all, rely on our own strength.


Our newest song “Firm Foundation” finds its inspiration in this passage of Scripture.  In this song we declare that God has been faithful through every season and through all generations.  He has always been faithful, so why would he fail us now?  He won’t!  God won’t fail us!  If we are trusting in Him, He will be faithful!  He holds us up by His strength, He gives us peace and joy in circumstances where peace and joy make no sense.  I am so glad that I put my faith in Jesus, because He has been my rock through all the storms that I’ve faced.


So, let’s use this song to declare our trust in Jesus, and to declare His unfailing faithfulness to us. Let’s use it to declare individually that we put our faith in Jesus, and let’s use it to declare together that we are trusting in Him!  Here’s a version that you can sing at home!


This coming Sunday Jack will be preaching again, and the kids will be joining us in big church for worship through song.  I can’t wait for Sunday!  See you then!


-       Pastor Kyle