Sweet Praise

TRANSFORM, (Yes this is a new name.) The student ministry is getting ready to start up again this year.  At the beginning of our Wednesday meetings we have praise and worship time. When we are having worship some youth sing out loud and others sing quietly while some don't even sing at all. While I am worshiping with the youth a lot of times a thought comes to my mind. I don’t know if you have ever thought of it or not but we, as humans, are the only one of God's creations that has a free will.  Animals were created to live, reproduce and die.  Plants were made to grow, reproduce, purify the air and then die.  Rocks and mountains were created to sculpt the landscape and proclaim God's majesty.  The sky is the sky and water is water and they were made to sustain physical life and proclaim the glory and greatness of our God.  None of these things have a choice.  This is what makes us so unique, we were created to worship, love, and praise the Lord,  but we are not programmed to do this, we have a choice!

A few weeks ago I was reading the account of the crucifixion and the events before, specifically when Jesus was in the garden praying.  In Luke 22:42 Jesus said, ”Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”  This is what really makes the sacrifice that Jesus made so special.  Yes, He was God and was divine so He had to die because it was in His plan, but he was also human and therefore had a free will and had to choose to die or not to die.  He very easily could have let His humanity kick in and decide to not be crucified.  He could have chosen to just live out a normal life and not do anything that He did, but, that is what makes it all the sweeter for us.  The fact that He had a choice and He chose to live a sinless life and then to give His life for ours, is awesome.  That makes it all the more special to me and hopefully to you as well..

We can go to church and praise the Lord out of a sense of obligation or out of habit or out of fear.  For whatever reason you are there, God can still speak to you and hear from you.  But when it comes to praising and worshiping the Lord for no other reason than we want and desire to, then that just makes it all the sweeter for God.  You know God will receive praises whether we do it or not.  Luke 19:40 "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." 

So where is your heart and devotion?  Is it in loving the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind?  If it is then why not praise and worship and honor him just because rather than out of duty or obligation or conviction. 

Let's come before the Lord our God with an open heart, an uncluttered mind, and a willing and wanting spirit and make our praise ever so sweet to the Lord.  As the song says “Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name.”


(Be Xtreme For Christ)

Pastor Sean