A great big thank you!

Yay!  I get to write the staff journal right after Thanksgiving!  I am so glad because I have wanted to tell all of you how much I thank God for you!  I have only been here at Grace Community Church for about four years.  In my time here, I have received so much kindness, encouragement, and prayers.  I love coming to Grace and spending time with my church family.  Thank you!

What made my family join Grace was that the people here are genuine.  They truly love the Lord and look to Him for guidance.  When people are going through struggles or times of grieving, they do not go through it alone.  I see so many of you walking beside those that are hurting. You don’t just say you are going to pray for each other, you actively do it.  I see our church family holding each other up in physical ways as well.  You are a great example for our next generation in this. Thank you.

Sometimes we struggle through times of sin as well.  We all need help.  We help each other rely on God and keep each other accountable.  On Monday evening also, I have come by a couple of times and witnessed the people coming to our building for Celebrate Recovery with hope.  I was amazed at how many of the volunteers there were from our church family!  They have been selflessly giving of their time to help others in the community.  Thank you.

Speaking of community…This church family has been rolling up its sleeves to help serve the community during Big Serve.  That is so great!  Also, the amount of volunteers that are spending time with kids in the community during Summer Quest is amazing.  Thank you for caring for the salvation of not only our kids in our church, but for so many of the kids in areas around town. Thank you.

I believe there are around 150 volunteers that are dedicating time with our kids on a weekly basis.  There are so many volunteers in the Sunday school classrooms, Awana groups, helping with Route 56,  Transform, and camps.  On Sundays and Wednesdays, I notice many kids run to class, some give their helpers hugs, and most of them light up when they see the volunteer they are going to be spending the next hour with. You are great mentors for our children.  Thank you.

I just see so many examples of our church family being the hands and feet of Jesus.  Thank you for living out how Christ was showing us to love and serve each other.  I am grateful.  Thank you.

In His Service,
