Power, Love, and Sound Judgement

2 Timothy 1:7 (CSB)  For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.

Where am I going with this one? I will spill it all at the beginning in case you do not have time to read it to the end! Many times in my life when I have read this verse I use it to remind myself not to be afraid, not to worry, or to have courage. But that is a weak reading of this verse! God, Himself has put His Spirit inside of me, and rather than trying to coax my weak spirit along I should look and listen for His Spirit’s voice.

On a deeper level, this helps us have a tool for discernment, not just a reminder to be less anxious. I love how the three things juxtaposed against fear work together. Often fear itself is very powerful but often is self-preserving so it doesn't check the box on being loving. Fear also does not lead to sound judgment since it is often so reactionary. 

Many times I hear Christians use the cliche to live faith over fear and in principle that is absolutely true. At times though people will choose the “radical” path or what seems bigger or more godly because “they have no fear” but that is not part of the decision-making in this verse either since we see that God’s Spirit will lead to sound judgment. Often sound judgment is found in talking with other Christians, if it sounds crazy to everyone then it probably isn’t a good idea. If any of you know me then you know I get excited about big, ambitious ideas, but I am an even bigger fan of making sure that they are what God wants! 

Another way we can miss God is by being bold in a situation without considering love. If something you are in the middle of is creating fear, simply embracing a powerful position that doesn’t take into account the feelings or consequences others will face is not what God is after either. 

Lastly, let's address always taking the route of sound judgment. If we always do what is common, “wise,” and normal to do we negate the power and love God may be wanting to show in this situation. Sound judgment will not always keep us from raising any eyebrows. Fitting perfectly into a local community is not what God is advocating either. Sometimes actions we take will be bold, or extravagant in our display of love and I would say being extravagant in our love is something God would consider sound judgment since it is kind of the basis for all of His work in history. 

That is really the point though, God doesn’t want us to live out a spirit of fear because He wants us to live close to Him! This verse can be a great way to remember how God works as we live in this world, but it falls utterly short if we try to whip ourselves along to “act better.” He wants us to live and act in a relationship with Him. I use this verse at times to pray to lead my heart in searching out God’s voice and then listening to his answer and the answer of those around me. There is nothing better than walking with Jesus and I hope this encourages you to do that this week!

Will- Pastor of Connection and Care