Change That Changes Me

"When you are walking with the Lord, change is always in your favor."

I can't remember where I heard this quote, but it stuck with me . . . literally. I mean, I put it on a sticky note (which is how I manage in life). Every once in a while I glance at it and mull it over. It's really a comforting thought.

Life is always full of change, but it seems the last couple of years has brought an abundance of it. When I'd feel upset, uncomfortable, or overwhelmed by the change coming my way this thought would draw me back to a healthy perspective.

"When you are walking with the Lord . . . " That's really the key! God is unchanging, which is a great, anchoring truth and helps me keep my focus when change feels like chaos. As I stay in tune with him, in line with his Word and his way, I can trust that this change is under his supervision. Whether he planned it or allowed it, he's promised he's using it for my good and his purposes (Romans 8:28). This reminds me to strive to keep my connection with Jesus strong and consistent. He will strengthen me through the uncomfortable uncertainty of change when I'm devoting myself to his way (2 Chron. 16:9a, one of my favorites).

". . . change is always in your favor" - I love this part! I know I can trust that whatever purpose God has for the change, it will be for my benefit. He will grow and mature me, especially if I cooperate with him instead of complaining, arguing or resisting (Romans 5:3-4, Philippians 1:6).

This doesn't necessarily make me want to shout, "Bring on the change!" But, really, I can totally have that attitude. As Pastor Jack shared this past week, I can accept change I don't choose, embrace change that grows and changes me, and pursue change as I pursue the Lord.

What change are you experiencing? Can you face it with confidence that this change is in your favor? I hope so!

See you Sunday, church family!

Juli Dirks