Spiritual Vertigo

Have you ever experienced vertigo? That feeling of being off balance; how with a sudden movement you find yourself on a virtual roller coaster ride? It's no thrill! 

It's amazing to me how the tiniest parts of your ear can affect the equilibrium of your whole body.

There are not a lot of good remedies for an issue like this. But being still and taking a few deep breaths are immediate needs when things get spinning. Every movement must become slow and focused to avoid falling or injury. 

Our spiritual equilibrium is much the same.

An unexpected trial can set your world spinning—a thoughtless comment can unintentionally spark hurt, a winter storm can ruin plans, job loss can leave you scrambling. Life brings regular opportunities for imbalance in our thoughts, emotions, and relationships.

So when circumstances tip and turn you one way or another, what do you do?

I was reminded this week that my response to spiritual or emotional vertigo should be similar to a physical dizzy spell.

Be still. Breathe. Focus. Take careful next steps.

When worry, anger, hurt, or doubt creep in, I need to stop and breathe—take time to be still in God's presence, shut out distractions, reach out to him to steady me, breathe out my prayers for help and steadiness, stay and rest awhile with him.

Next, I must focus—focus on who God is, on truth from his Word, on praise and gratitude in the midst of everything.

Once I'm centered with the Lord, I can prayerfully take next steps considering how my reactions to this trying situation could affect myself and others around me. I must push on through whatever difficulties I'm facing, making choices that lead to personal and relational health. I can move forward, steadied by God's guidance and wisdom.

Are you experiencing some spiritual vertigo? Is life leaving you spinning? 

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult… Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:1-3, 10a

Juli Dirks