Elder Connection: A Letter from Our Elders (January 2021)

[Editor’s Note: This is a special-edition Staff Journal written by Doug Stucky, one of our Governing Elders. This letter from Doug is part of an effort from the elders to create an open line of communication from the hearts and minds of the elders to you, the church.]

Greetings Grace Family,

I pray that this note finds each of you well. In this time of such uncertainty in our world it is such a blessing to know that we serve an amazing God who loves us, cares for us, and wants to have a personal relationship with us. We need to remember that He is in our yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He covers us with His grace, love, and forgiveness each and every day. 

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as an elder! It is an honor and privilege to serve with an incredible group of men that have a heart for the Lord and a desire to selflessly serve our church body. I am also thankful for our wonderful pastors, church staff, and volunteers. This is not an easy time for the church, and it is such a blessing to have the opportunity and options to meet in person or remotely to reach our church body and community with the good news of the gospel of Christ.

We are blessed to have pastors that are so devoted to fervent prayer and fasting. We are in prayer each week for the Grace family, our town, our country, and our world. As we meet each Thursday morning before work for a time of prayer, please join us in praying for the Lord’s direction and leading for our church.

I am very excited by what is happening in our church! The Lord continues to bless us in so many ways and I believe we are on the cusp of a revival. I know that many of you are interested to know the status of our pastoral searches. Certainly, our goal was to have these positions filled this past year. Who would have known that we would be dealing with a global pandemic! However, this time has allowed us to wait on the Lord for His timing to bring the individuals who will help lead our church body and youth program.

I want to encourage each of you to make plans to come to the Heart of Grace church meeting on the 28th of February. It will be a wonderful time of sharing by the Grace elders and staff concerning our pastoral searches, new vision for missions, new elective ministries, and a financial update. We will also have panel Q&A to answer questions from the church body. We are excited to share this time with you!

In difficult times or when faced with tough situations, my grandmother used to say, “This too shall pass.” What a blessing to know that there is no tragedy we’ll face, no adversity we’ll encounter, and no hardship we’ll endure, where the Lord is not with us, holding us up with His mighty hand. I am truly excited to see where the Lord is going to take us, and I do believe the best is yet to come! 

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

Thank you again for the opportunity to serve!

Doug Stucky