Let's Choose Love

Have you seen this image going around? Can you identify with one or more of these expressions?


I think this image adequately describes the way things are right now. I've personally heard almost all of these perspectives voiced by someone.

It's a difficult place to live for all of us, isn't it?

Opinions and feelings are so varied. Information (and misinformation) is constantly changing. Clarity and surety are in short supply.

This situation has reminded me of something I learned in a Bible study a number of years ago: the difference between personal convictions and biblical convictions.

Clearly, the Bible doesn't specifically address what a church should do about meeting in the case of a worldwide pandemic — how cautious or brave to be, whether to wear masks or not, how to configure chairs in the Worship Center, or how soon to begin children's ministry.

That would have been a incredibly big help if God had included that in the scriptures! Pandemic 3:12, "Thou shalt begin services on…" Ha!

But since he didn't, we must pray for wisdom to make those kinds of decisions since our personal convictions will fall on all sides of the matter. We all have our own reasons for those convictions too — health, age, concern for relatives, personal experiences…

Thankfully, the Bible is clear about a lot of other things: extending grace to others, loving others, being kind, and trusting in Him.

To be sure, our desire to be reunited in person is due to our love for one another and a strong desire for fellowship which comes from our shared love of the Lord. That love also drives our desire to be cautious and careful. 

So, as we begin the process of gathering again, let's choose love.

There is beauty and strength in our diversity of ages, abilities, perspectives, and even our personal convictions about the coronavirus. Let's extend grace by valuing people more than we do our own convictions and opinions. Go the extra mile to respect and protect those who are most vulnerable or extra cautious. Reach out to and encourage those who may need to wait awhile to return. We are the church. Let's be the church!

We are excitedly anticipating and diligently preparing for our first in-person Sunday morning gathering on June 7 at 10:30am! Things will look different; they may even feel strange. But God will be in our midst! Join us in praying for a safe and joyful reuniting.

Juli Dirks
Executive Director of Ministries