Joys in the Midst of Trials

These are interesting times, aren’t they?

One minute we can buy toilet paper and Lysol wipes when we need them and the next… pandemonium ensues! For a little while I was concerned that my large family really would run out of toilet paper. 

We started spring break with the normal rhythms of life and by the end of the week, nothing was the same. My kids were suddenly adapting to schooling at home and I was learning how to work from home and navigate keeping my kids on task. 

Thankfully, my kids transitioned to online learning fairly well, so that piece went smoothly.

Disclaimer here: we did have our bad days. But school is out in just a few days, so it is safe to say that we made it! 

Sure, there has been bickering and tears (sometimes from the kids too). But the simple, slowed pace that we have been living at these past 6 weeks has been so good for my family.  

We have worshipped together, spent more time in God’s Word, learned new things, planted a garden, taken lots of walks, made lots of yummy treats, learned chess… the list goes on — all great things that we missed out on before because of our busy life.

This pandemic has been hard on all of us for different reasons, but it has been a joy to see God’s hand at work in the midst of the trials.

What are some ways that God has provided in your own lives during this time? 

I am looking forward to the day that we can meet as a church family face-to-face again. We have missed our church family! Until then, “see you” at virtual church this Sunday.

Casey Teater