Radiate Joy

Growing up, Easter was a holiday that my family celebrated every year.

My extended family would gather and have a meal, maybe an egg hunt. There was an Easter basket and lots of candy delivered by the Easter bunny. We did not attend church, but a prayer was said to bless our meal. Outside of the prayer, there wasn’t much talk of Jesus—the whole reason to celebrate.

I remember going to church one time on an Easter Sunday as a young child. I don’t remember much about that morning except that there was an excitement to the atmosphere; it felt like a special day. Everyone was dressed in their best dresses and suits and they radiated joy.

Even though I was quite young, I remember feeling like it was not just because of the Easter baskets and bunnies.

I am so thankful that I now know that Jesus is the reason for that joy.

I know that Jesus dying on the cross is a precious gift to me, despite the fact that I don’t deserve it.

His resurrection gives me hope now and forever.

These truths bring me to my knees when I stop and truly ponder this rescue story. This is truly a reason to radiate joy every day!

This year, Easter looks different for all of us. While not physically gathering with our church family saddens me, I can’t help but feel like this is an opportunity to get back to basics. In a rare occurrence, our Easter celebrations will be done intimately with only the people in our homes. I pray that this is a time that we hear the truth with greater clarity and power than ever before.

Yet, though we are physically gathering only in our own homes, we will be connected with the whole body virtually.

Church, I am looking forward to celebrating virtually with you three more times this week!

  • Good Friday service and communion (remember to look around your house for your own communion elements!) at 6:30pm

  • Easter morning sunrise service at 7:00am

  • Easter Sunday celebration service at 10:30am

You can join these services live on both our Facebook and YouTube pages. I’ll see you then!

Casey Teater
Children’s Ministry Director