I Was Somebody's "One"

Our Habits of Grace sermon series this past month had me reaching into my childhood memories. I was somebody’s “one.”

Reflecting back on my years growing up, I can clearly see the people that God provided to impact me on my journey to becoming part of God’s family.

I did not grow up in a Christian home. There was mention of God and the Bible at times, but there was no church attendance, prayer, or relationship. For my family, the church had caused a lot of hurt and distrust, and that led to their ultimate removal from it.

My first real exposure to church was through a Vacation Bible School that was held at a rural church in west Wichita. Bill and Jackie were friends of the family and had invited my sister (5) and me (8) to attend. I remember making crafts, learning about Jesus, and some of the sweet people that invested in the event. Those planted seeds are with me today. I even have some of those sweet crafts currently packed away in a memory box. We only attended for 2 years and then moved out of Wichita.

Fast forward through several years of middle and high school, I am a freshman at college. At this point, I have made up my mind that following God just “won’t be my thing.” I get a job working on-campus in the student center. One of my co-workers, Janelle, was a Christian that boldly shared her faith daily. She recognized that I was walking down a path of bad choices and invited me several times to go to some of the Christian events that were held on campus. I never went.

To this day, I think about Janelle often and pray that she is still walking with the Lord. Despite my lack of interest during that time in my life, she also planted seeds. It wasn’t until a few years later that I came to faith in Christ.

God was working on me all those years and Bill, Jackie, and Janelle had a small, but significant part in that.

Don’t underestimate the impact of small, seemingly insignificant conversations as you seek your one. I am so thankful that God relentlessly pursued me and used them for His glory.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. -Galatians 6:9

Casey Teater
Children’s Ministry Director