Elder Connection: A Letter from Our Elders (October 2020)

[Editor’s Note: This is a special-edition Staff Journal written by Audrun Siebert, one of our Governing Elders. This letter from Audrun is part of an effort from the elders to create an open line of communication from the hearts and minds of the elders to you, the church.]

Greetings Grace,

Here we are, eight months deep into the COVID pandemic. Who would have thought this would have gone on for this long with no end in sight? It is wearing thin! It seems even as believers we are all responding in very different ways to this cultural moment. The political divisions in our country have begun to seep into the church. As the body of Christ, called to be one in unity, can we be gracious enough to respect each other’s opinions and their resulting actions? As elders, we are praying that God will give us wisdom as we seek to bring unity to this body of believers in a difficult time.

The elders are working on creating a vision for the future of Grace Community Church. Where is God leading us as we minister in this world and in this community? In light of the Great Commission, what should this Church look like and how should we minister as God’s feet and hands? 

We, as individuals and as a body, are the “church.” And, as we repeat each Sunday: “Now, go be the church.” But what does that look like for us as individuals and for us as a body? As elders we are trying to flesh that out for our church body. And as we search for new pastors to replace Loren and Steve, this is an opportune time.

Being down to two pastors is hard for everyone, especially Pastors Jack and Kyle. Please pray for them as their workload has become heavy. As difficult as this is, it is also a time of opportunity to set the direction for the future as we search for the right men that God has prepared for these positions. Please pray that God will guide us to the right men and that we will be patient as we wait on God’s leading.

As a long-time farmer (and still a farmer at heart), I believe this is “planting time” for Grace Community Church. The seeds we are sowing today will provide the harvest in the coming years. Let us sow carefully and with all due diligence as we search for new pastors.

Please pray for us as elders and staff that God will guide us to the right individuals to fill these positions and that the men to whom God leads us will be open and willing to serve. And please pray that we, as individuals, will be willing to carry our share of the load as we offer our talents and abilities as leaders in Sunday School, Awana, and on our boards and counsels. Remember, God doesn’t always call the qualified but qualifies the willing!

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as an elder for the past five years. It has not always been easy, but it is a privilege and opportunity. Please continue to pray for me as well as all the elders and staff, that God will continue to grant wisdom, unity, and peace. May God continue to open our spiritual eyes to what it means to “be the church” in this time and in this community. 

In Christ,

Audrun Siebert