Be the Church in the Everyday

I love interacting with a new Christian.

You know, the ones that are just pumped up and on fire for God? The ones that you walk away from and can’t help but be just as excited as they are about God’s gift of eternal life through Jesus. 

Those are my favorite people to talk to.

The full-on, sold-out for Jesus excitement is so contagious and they don’t even realize that they are sharing the Gospel! How amazing would it be if we could all share that kind of enthusiasm when sharing our faith with others? 

Now, I realize that there are many ways to live on mission and you don’t need to be loud to accomplish sharing the Gospel. I also think sharing your faith through the ordinary is just as powerful. 

Years ago, I participated in a Bible study with a wonderful group of women. It was a multi-generational group, but most of us were raising young children at that time. I will never forget a discussion we had about mission-focused motherhood and how doing the most mundane tasks were really a way to teach our children about Jesus.

Yes, washing the dishes or folding yet another load of laundry can show your children what it looks like to serve others with love. One of the moms also made it a point to pray for her family while she folded their clothes. What a sweet way to change a chore into a blessing!

Regardless of how I share my faith, it is an assignment that I need to take to heart—to share the reason for the hope I have.

I, like all of us, have been placed by God in certain places and with certain people for Kingdom work and it is critical that we not waste the opportunities before us. My prayer is that God will open my eyes to how I can share my faith in each of these situations.

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This past week, I have heard of multiple ways that people are leaving the church building on Sunday and “being the Church” during the week. None of these ideas are complicated, but they inspire me. I wanted to share some of them:

  • Text someone in your contacts and ask how you can pray for them

  • Take a friend on a walk and listen to them

  • Linger in your driveway and get to know your neighbor

  • Make a meal and take it to someone—regardless of whether they need it or not

  • Send a note of encouragement to someone who is struggling

I truly hope that this small list is an encouragement to reflect on the unique sphere of influence each of us have been placed in and make a step to be the Church in our every day.

See you this Sunday!

Casey Teater