Practicing the Presence of God

"A picture is worth a thousand words."

You've probably heard that phrase before. But I'm seeing it in a little different light this week as I've been pondering my prayer life during our emphasis on prayer this month. It brought to mind another phrase that I feel God has been leading me in lately - "practicing the presence of God."  

'“Practicing the presence of God' means not only staying aware of Jesus throughout the day . . . [but also] living every activity of the day with Jesus, by his side, sharing every experience with him." -Fr. John Bartunek 

I have been working towards increasingly inviting Christ into all the moments of my day.

He's already there, of course, but the busyness of the day takes my focus away from the One who goes before me, walks beside me and hems me in behind. 

I've found that picturing Jesus physically in the room with me has allowed me to create room in my mind and heart for being with him and sharing my life with him more fully.

Sometimes I picture him riding in the front seat with me as I drive to work; his hand on my shoulder and a loving smile on his face. Sometimes I picture him sitting with me in our front room early in the morning as I drink tea and quiet myself for Bible reading, or holding his hand as I take a walk in the sunshine. Sometimes his arm is around me expressing understanding for frustration I'm feeling or he's embracing me in a big bear hug and just letting me cry. No need for words between us. Just me with him and him with me. 

It's here that "a picture is worth a thousand words" for me. Here I can most easily find my true identity and stability in him.

Sometimes words aren't enough to express what's really in my heart and my words get in the way of Jesus sharing what's on his heart. The picture of him with me and the quiet connection between us is worth a thousand words.

Psalm 16:11 says,

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Though I will continue to pray boldly, humbly, specifically and with scripture (as we’ve learned so much about this month), I also want to prioritize making space in my day and my heart for his presence, where my heart and his heart can align.

Will you make space for Jesus this week?

We look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday! Join us as we hear from Nathan Ehresman, our Creative Arts Director, on sharing the Gospel faithfully wherever the Spirit is leading you.

-Juli Dirks