Pressing into God during transition

Around our house we really like the transition toward more sunshine. We have recently been enjoying evening bike rides, eating dinner outside, watching eggs hatch in a sparrow’s nest, and all kinds of other outside activities. Our youngest is by far the happiest when he is outside. When he is inside he can be a restless mess, but outside he turns into an excited explorer. He loves to wander around the yard doing his best to keep up with his siblings all the while grunting and yelling for us to join him in his adventure.

Transitions are a big part of life. There isn’t any way of avoiding transitions; nature itself has transition built into it. Have you ever noticed how a transition can affect so many levels of your life?

What I’ve found in myself when going through transitions is that I always seem to have to work through my own weaknesses in character and personality before I get to the strengths that God graciously gives, reveals, or reminds me of. Each transition has its own effect on me and depending on how “big” the transition feels this process either takes more or less time. I’ve also found transitions still take me by surprise in some sense.

There is a C.S. Lewis quote that I keep in my head: “Surely what a man does when he is taken off his guard is the best evidence for what sort of man he is.”

Some of the “evidences” aren’t always what I would hope to see in myself, but at every transition, by God’s grace, I’ve gotten through and I’ve been able to see his hand and good heart. Whenever I’ve pressed into him, I’ve experienced a growth in character and virtue. I’ve learned that every transition takes effort, which sometimes I’m open and excited about and other times I’m not. But I do think transitions can be God’s way of continuing his transforming work in our lives.

Speaking of transition, May is graduation season and many young lives are in transition. This Sunday we will be celebrating with our graduates, because this transition should be celebrated! I’m looking forward to it. I hope to see you there.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Loren.