Biblical Marriages are essential to healthy people and a healthy society. It’s God’s design for blessing. However, marriage is under attack, undermined while tools for building strong, healthy marriages is too often ignored. As Biblical Marriage suffers, we all suffer. It’s that important.
So to uplift, equip and encourage the marriages of the Grace community, each of five Sundays in October, Adult Classes (9am) will focus on an aspect of Biblical Marriage. All who are able are encouraged to take advantage of one of these offerings.
There are also two looong evenings for marriage-building GCC Date Nights (loving kid care provided free of charge). Mark your calendars! Pre-registration is required. Visit the links for October 3rd registration and/or October 24th registration.
A list of Sunday School classes and their topics is available online and at the Connection Table in the lobby. Register for Date Nights in both locations as well.
If you and your spouse would like a mentor couple to come alongside you for fellowship, encouragement, advice, and prayer in order to grow and strengthen your marriage, or if you are in need of a mentor couple to walk with you during a difficult season in your marriage, please let us know.
The following classes will begin October 3 unless otherwise noted.
Adult Education: 9:00-10:15am
Biblical Marriage | Room B200/202
The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller book discussion.
Biblical Marriage | Room B201/203
The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller book + DVD discussion.
Young Marrieds
Marriage & Family | Room A101/103 (beginning Sept 12)
Marriage and Family discussions.
Young Singles
Dating & Marriage
“The Dating Project” movie discussion.