Going for Gold!

I am Going for Gold by..HAVING COURAGE!

I am Going for Gold by..CHOOSING HOPE!

I am Going for Gold by..NEVER GIVING UP!

I am Going for Gold by..BEING COACHABLE! 

These are the “taglines” for each day of Summer Quest. Now, these Bible lessons are geared towards our kids, but there is something valuable in these lessons that speak to me as an adult.

The lesson objective for day 1 teaches that we have courage to do the hard things, because we have a mighty savior who goes before us! He is with us when things are overwhelming, difficult, and when we feel inadequate to handle situations. 

Joshua learns this as he is chosen to continue the important job of moving the Israelites into the promised land. I am comforted to know that God did not leave or forsake Joshua in his big task, and he will not leave me in what I face each day.

Day 2 teaches us that there is always hope because Jesus already made the way for us! Jehosophat understands what it feels like to be hopeless when facing what he felt was sure defeat. When he prays to God and trusts in His provision for victory, God prevents Jehosophat and his army from even having to fight! I love knowing that when we call on Him, He will fight our battles for us. 

We learn on day 3 that we never give up, because our strength doesn’t come from us, it comes from Christ! Paul knows what it is like to persevere as he endured MANY hardships, trials, and persecution for his faith. Instead of giving up, Paul leans into God’s power. What an example Paul is in how to boast in his weakness made strong through Christ!

Day 4 teaches that being coachable means we are willing to grow and learn, and that is why God placed us here on earth! Timothy is a great example of how to be willing to listen, learn from your mistakes, and to not give up. 

When we have courage, choose hope, persevere, and are willing to be coachable in our faith walk, we can commit to the theme verse, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14 

Church, what an exciting week we have ahead of us for Summer Quest! We have over 120 people of all ages serving 10 sites! Join us in praying for the final preparations, good weather, prepared hearts of the children and their families, the building of community, and God’s glory to shine through everything we do.

See you this Sunday!
