Holding Up One Another('s Arms)

When I was working on finishing our basement, I remember holding a piece of drywall in place while my cousin attached it to the ceiling with his drill.

Oh, how I wanted him to work quickly and get the drywall secured. My arms got tired SO quickly!

It would have been great to have another person helping hold up the drywall… or even holding up my arms! 

Where am I going with this? Hang in there, you’ll see.

One of our Community Life Group Leaders reminded me this past week of a beautiful story in the Old Testament about supporting each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

In Exodus 17, we see the nation of Israel after being freed from slavery in Egypt. While in the desert, Amalek comes to fight with Israel. During the battle, Moses stands at the top of a hill and stretches his hands toward the heavens. While Moses holds up his hands the Israelites prevail over Amalek, but when Moses lowers his hands Amalek prevails over Israel.

As you can imagine, Moses gets tired of holding his hands up. Aaron and Hur enter the scene as heroes to help Moses keep his hands up. Aaron helps support one arm, and Hur helps support the other arm. In this way, Israel gains victory over Amalek. 

Our Community Life Groups are a bit like this.

We help one another out in our spiritual battles. We support one another when we are weak and come to each other’s aide. We were not meant to carry our burdens on our own.

Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ”. 

Many of you who are in Community Life Groups are experiencing this! Some of you still need to connect with a group, or some other form of fellowship to experience this joy of caring for one another and encouraging one another!

This Sunday, after the 10:45am worship service, we are having Grouplink, which is the best way to connect with a Community Life Group. (We’ll feed you and take care of your kids. All you have to do is show up!)

We also have a virtual option! If you are interested in joining a group but unable or uncomfortable attending in-person, go ahead and sign up and we will be in touch about the virtual option.

We’ll share a little bit about why we do Community Life Groups and you’ll get a chance to meet the leaders of groups who are looking to add people or start a new group!

What better way is there to love people than to connect with others through a Community Life Group?

I love you church, and I’ll see you Sunday!
-Pastor Kyle