Men’s Sunday School Classes

Lead by Mark Anderson

Time: 9:00 am each Sunday

If you miss any lectures, want to preview a lecture, or join the class late in the series and you want to see previous lectures, you can watch each lecture on RightNow MEDIA for free. Just contact kyle@gccnewton to get your right now media account set up!

Each class consists of video teaching, class discussion, and searching the Bible. We also spend time getting to know each other and sharing prayer requests. Come join us!

Old Testament Book

The Book of Joshua, Louie Giglio, 8 Sessions, Avg. Session - 14 min., Produced: 2024

January 5 – February 23 (8 sessions)

Courage for Everyday People

After roaming the wilderness for decades, God's people finally reached the Promised Land. But there were still obstacles that stood in their way. Securing the land God had promised them would require strength, courage, and faith.

In this eight-session series, pastor Louie Giglio shows us that our story today isn't too far removed from Joshua and the Israelites: we need the same strength, courage, and faith to face the challenges in our lives. Join Louie and learn what it means to follow God faithfully, no matter what obstacles are before you. 

New Testament Book

The Book of 1 Thessalonians, Ben Stuart, 6 Sessions, Avg Session - 15 min, Produced: 2023

March 2 - April 6

Living for Christ in a Culture that Doesn’t

What is God’s will for our lives, and why is it important to know? In this six-session series, Pastor Ben Stuart shows us that Jesus calls us to live our faith openly, letting the world see our allegiance to him. When we are being faithful, pressing against culture, others can’t help but notice. As we live confident of our good future in God’s kingdom, we show the world where—and in whom—their hope lies.

The Big Serve - April 13 (No Class)

Seasonal Focus - Easter

Easter, J.D. Greear, 5 Sessions, Avg Session – 12 min, Produced: 2021

April 20 - May 18

The resurrection is the most important moment in history, but it is more than an event we remember on Easter Sunday. Join pastor J.D. Greear as he takes a deeper look at Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection in the Gospel of Matthew, revealing the ways we should see ourselves in Jesus’s story.

Jesus died for us so that he could be alive in us today. Easter changes everything.

Spend time with the guys this summer just talking and praying together each Sunday (whenever you can make it)!